Board game; card and elements from second-hand game sets 2020
Board game as a tool for facilitating collective inquiries and discussions that shift from “what is” to “what if” climate imaginaries, designed to help the stimulation of plural futures thinking within the often narrow-minded narratives of the climate crisis. The game adapts permaculture zone principles and applies them to social and individual aspects of life.
The players are invited for a reflective adventure towards more resilient visions of their own selves in the time of rapid environmental change. Using permaculture zones as its guide and hacking elements from familiar formats of Trivial Pursuit and Game of Life board games, the game is a playground for social dreaming, personal inquiry and creation of personal and communal narratives for a more intentional holistic future. The game doesn’t seek to imagine utopias or preaches particular ways of thinking, it helps the players to develop their own collective visions of the future, as well as to develop real life strategies of how to get to there. The game is soon going to be registered and released under Creative Commons licence so that it could be available for different facilitators and organizations to use. The prototype of the game was widely tested in diverse groups and community centres, including running numerous sessions at MAKE at Story Garden British Library and Camden’s Think & Do – Pop up Community Space for Climate & Social Action.


Created, produced and facilitated by 

Alisa Ruzavina in 2020