A ritualistic immersive experience consisting of set design, fabric hangings, digitally printed wall hangings for each of the elements, soft sculpture with a guided meditation, elemental embodiment cards and four ecological guides wearing Love Bomb collection costumes
Well of Possibilities: A Rekindling Ritual was part of Earth Quest – Your Ecological Adventure, an immersive one day eco-takeover of the Barbican by Climate Emergency Network for the closing of Our Time on Earth exhibition. Well of Possibilities took place in Barbican’s Conservatory on the 29th of August 2022.

Let go call in. Reflect on where you are and where you want to go. Gather what you need. Receive guidance & map your journey ahead.
Well of Possibilities was a ritual at the Barbican’s Conservatory that guided people through a reflective sensory voyage and supported the inner discovery of what one can offer to be a better ally to the Earth. The experience was an elemental journey filled with numerous invitations, questions, and embodiment exercises, which took the participants towards a particular element that would be most supportive to their ecological development at this moment in time. The experience was facilitated by four Earthkins – knowledgeable ecological guides and performers dressed in Love Bomb collection costumes.
The journey started with a Rekindling Ritual, where a piece of kindling took a totemic transmutative quality as visitors were invited to jot down or draw their greatest concern about our shared time on Earth. Through the act of recording this on a wooden body of another Earth being that concern transmuted into the source of power, a point of purpose, an activation of passion. On the flipside of the same kindling the participants were then invited to draw what is it that they most deeply and profoundly love about living on this Earth. They were then encouraged to sense into both sides of the same kindling, with the concerns and passions alchemising into guidance of how one can play their unique part in contributing to the change.
Next journey stop was a guided embodiment meditation inviting the visitors to connect to the ecological kin all around them. Starting from the millions of bacteria in one’s gut microbiome and ending the journey with the ancient skeletons that make up the concrete of the building, these kincentric evocations were facilitated by one of the Earthkin’s guides as well as through a meditation soft sculpture with written self-guided invitations.
Participants were then invited to reflect in honesty on their current contribution to the well-being of the Earth, leaving space for conversation, collaboration, reflection and inspiration. From this onwards participants had to choose whether they would prefer to go down the path of stimulation (air and fire) or slowing down (water and earth). Here, the final guided reflections were to be made, which took the participants to their allocated element.

At each of the elemental stations, one could find a Wonder Card, which invited participants into mini-meditations, rituals and activities to be explored around the Conservatory to help the participants to sense a bit deeper into the qualities of their chosen element. Then, following a specially designed for the day map, participants continued their journey towards more activations and activities, with two artistic interventions allocated for each of the elements.
Well of Possibilities lead artist:
Climate Emergency Network Producer & Earth Quest Main Visionary:
Bunga Laras Caesara, Sarah O’Meara, Ashaana Bheir, Alisa Ruzavina
Barbican Creative Producer:
Jenna Mason
Project Support:
Climate Emergency Network Event Support:
Fred Kavanagh
Hydar Dewachi